I can't believe I did this. I know better, I have been working with table saws since I was in junior high. I have never hurt myself. Well, this weekend I did something that sent me to the emergency room and earned me a couple of stiches in my left hand middle finger. Luckly I did not do any permanent damage and it should all heal just fine.
I was working late and was tired. I was ripping a small board down the middle using my trusty push stick when I reached over with my left hand to steady the board and as it kicked up at the end my left hand slipped and my middle finger cought the top of the saw blade. I tore the tip of my finger open and shattered a corner of my finger nail.
I thought I would spare everyone the gorey pictures. Boy that was dumb. I am having a hell of a time typing this without using my left middle finger.
How mad is YOUR wife?
Ha! You have no idea......I am waiting for him to heal up because I always insist on my victims being healthy before I kill them.
I got to do the on-site triage!
Jeff called me over to see if I thought he needed to see a doctor. So I poked at his finger and when he said, "Don'tFuckingtouch my finger," I said, "Yep. That's gonna take a couple of stitches." That's high-speed Army training in action!
Seriously, though- when I saw the fingernail was shattered, I knew Jeff needed to see a doctor- just in case there were nail fragments in there.
You can get all sorts of shit in your body and be just fine- metal, stone, glass, plastics- but organics carry a much greater inherent risk.
See, organics have this nasty tendency to decompose, rot, things like that. That sort of thing can rocket you from infection town to gangrene city.
Good thing it is your left hand. That way you can still be indisposed when you need to. Heh.
Hey, how do you know I am right handed at everything?
You must have me mixed up with that fella named Onen.
My god that man was great!
He went blind before he died, though...
heeey... no wonder Ray Charles was always smiling so big....
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