Monday, July 07, 2008

You can't build a Mausoleum in 3 days!

Not even if you work your butt off! We know, we tried! I started Friday morning cutting out all the frames and building them. Had to cut out early to go to a 4th gathering. Started back up on Saturday building the frames and getting all the foam cut and attached. Had to run to Home Depot for glue for the foam. We cut and textured the wood doors. On Sunday finished the panels and then started to put it together. Drew the lines. Had to run to Home Depot to get a bit for the Dremel for the grout lines. We got the panels all textured and painted black by 8pm on Sunday. We were EXAUSTED. Still need to paint the panels (grout, coat of grey, coat of light grey, and age) and the doors. Then we have to assemble it all and do some final details (glue handles to doors). THEN we can take pictures of it for the book. We also are going to have to mock up some parts of the process so we can photograph the steps in between. Our photographer help is on vacation until August so we will just store it until then?

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