I took the picture but Chris wrote the following...
Helicopter #2 (white and green)
The UPS driver pulls up to the house in between rain showers…..
10:15 UPS arrives with box
10:16 Jeff rips open box to find the second helicopter he got for his birthday
10:20 Jeff is finished putting it together and he and Hal head outside to test
10:25 helicopter meets gravity – gravity wins
10:26 Jeff starts the salvage mission
10:45 Jeff spends 10 minutes looking for super glue
Flash back about a week ago…….
10:15 Jeff opens the box of the first helicopter (yellow) he got for his birthday
10:16 Jeff is finished putting it together and he and Hal……Long pause as several days go by with lots of rain…..
A few days later
10:20 Jeff and Hall head out for a test run
10:25 helicopter meets rose bush – rose bush wins
10:26 Jeff starts the salvage mission
10:45 Jeff is on the internet ordering spare parts
In my defense the first helicopter only broke a small plastic bar that helps hold one side of the canopy on. It did make it a bit unbalanced but it still flew. The replacement part was $2 and it shipped right away.
I got the 2nd helicopter because it is a 4 channel instead of a 2 channel and has more control of flight. It was also a HUGE deal...$250 retail and I got it for $85. I broke one of the runners where it attaches to the leg which I just superglued back together.
Lessons learned....
4 channel is better than 2 channel for trying to fly.
Don't practice on the driveway it is too hard of a surface and there are too many rose bushes. Practice indoors in a smooth floor in a smaller space so you don't go wandering too much. Oh, and practice practice practice...it takes time to learn how to fly these darn things.